Tuesday, October 20, 2009


"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Positivity. Is that a word? I don't know -- I didn't stop to look it up, because I decided I want to use it, even if it's not in the dictionary. It is a gray day here in Maine, and it's chilly too. Seriously chilly, like in the 30s. I decided I needed something to brighten this day, so here is the blog post I've created to talk about positivity, or the art of being joyful.

Where does joy come from? Are some people born as 'cup half full' people while others just naturally see the cup as half empty?

I don't think so. Joy does come from within, but it starts with our thoughts and grows from there -- or not. To experience life from a happier perspective, you first have to make the decision that you want to be happier and you're going to be -- regardless of what's going on around you.

Next step? Become aware of your thoughts and feelings. Are you always complaining? Is your boss a jerk? Does your mother-in-law get on your nerves? Do traffic problems send you over the edge? Whatever you're feeling is fine, but if it's less than positive, you might want to take a step back and realize how you're thinking about things. Everyone can be a jerk sometimes, but once we label someone that way, that's the side of themselves that they'll show us.

Take a moment today to consider yourself and your life. Not liking what you see? Then what can you change? Not the other guy -- YOU! It always comes back to you. Change your outlook, and you'll change your life.

Add a touch of positivity to your day -- in the form of a happy thought, smile, or small joke -- and you're already on your way to a happier life. Try it. Just for today. Take one small step toward positivity and see how it makes you feel. And now for some happy images to help us all feel better right now...