Monday, August 22, 2011

My birthday ~ August 22nd

Recently, while cleaning out my garage and going through boxes of paper, I came across this photo of me sitting on my mother's lap while riding in a car when I was just a toddler.

[click on photo for a better view]

I thought it was appropriate to post for my birthday. I'm thankful to my mom & dad -- without them, I wouldn't be here! I know they're with me in spirit today and everyday. Love you, Mom & Dad!

Today was a deadline I set for myself. Beginning June 6th, I completely changed my eating habits. I cut out caffeine and desserts, and now fill my plate with lean meats, veggies, and fruit. My goal was to lose 10 lbs. by my birthday, and I'm happy to report I've lost 20 lbs.!

I'm scheduling this post early so I can be out celebrating on the 22nd. May your day be filled with joy and the love of family & friends!