I am loving Bright Week! Here is a photo I took last Saturday. The little patch of orange on the tree caught my eye. I love how it contrasts with the bright-green moss.
Here's another photo, this one with just a few touches of color. I love this idea of Bright Week -- see http://concretehoney.blogspot.com/ for more info about other bloggers who are participating.
Bright Week starts Monday at concrete and honey (http://concretehoney.blogspot.com/), and I've decided to participate! We could all use some cheery colors right now, couldn't we? Here are my contributions -- some little painted cards that I created this week. Hope you enjoy!
It’s been a long time since I posted on my blog, and I think it’s about time! I’ve had so much fun reading other people’s blogs – I find them to be the perfect way to get instantly inspired and energized. But now I need to update my own.
When I first started this blog, I was fired up after the election and had vowed to support my community. I ended up volunteering with students at a study center in a housing projected located in Portland, Maine. I started about two months ago, but what with winter storms and Monday holidays, I’ve only actually done 4 or 5 stints at the center. Now comes a new job into my life, and I think I will probably have to bow out of my volunteer gig. I still feel a strong desire to help others and will look around for something I can do that will fit into my new work schedule.
What I love most about other people’s blogs are the pictures, and I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate more photos into my own. I’d like to keep the writing brief and beef up the visuals. For today, I’ll simply tell you that I am eagerly looking forward to a new season! Nothing makes my heart soar more than thoughts of spring and my new job – both have me feeling hopeful & excited! I’m going to include photos that help inspire me to thoughts of warmer days. This winter has seemed like a long one, in many respects. I emailed our local weather man to ask about the snow fall, and it turns out we’ve had much less snow than last winter (55.2 in. so far vs. 96.4 in. last year at this time), but because it has been colder, the snow has stayed on the ground longer. That explains why I haven’t seen the grass in my front yard since December! Well, it’ll be melting soon, I’m sure. Till then, I’ll be looking forward to a time when I can get outside and enjoy the beauty of Maine! May your own thoughts of spring inspire hope and joy in your life, too!
Beth is a creative Mainer, constant dreamer, retired writer, passionate beader, positive thinker, and cancer survivor. "I am a woman who feels blessed to live in the great state of Maine. I enjoy being creative in many ways: making bracelets, taking pictures, creating unique greeting cards, making monoprints, and much more."